I can't go into detail now (it would be long) but I will soon be writing a post detailing a series of race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred Crimes by Davenport Iowa city government employees. One of those involves targeting a Sikh Immigrant family Business for harassment thru abuse of "brush and debris Removal" program. On multiple occasions destroying legal property including 1000s of dollars worth of brand new coolers and then billing them/property liens for almost $10,000.

I will be asking the Scott County Attorney to Prosecute the city employees who have abused their authority to target minority and mixed race people in the city.

I was also a victim of race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred Crimes by the same city officials. In this case people who can legitimately be called "white supremacists."

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Thank you for giving oxygen to these critical stories so we are better informed and better engaged to prevent future such horrible incidents.

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