I broke my foot slipping off of a curb in France. I was on a tour with a wonderful group of high schoolers. I also banged up my knee and wrists pretty badly AND got stung by a bee on my collarbone on the way down. The students were caring and concerned. They did not treat my 50 y/o self as feeble. I did not seek medical attention until we returned to San Antonio 8 days later. Like you, I powered through the pain and even ascended Mont St Michel (albeit slowly!) later that week. The love and appreciation I got from those kids that day will forever warm my soul. Thank you for sharing your “trip” and making me feel not so alone in my journey.

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love this anecdote. thank you for sharing it!

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Anne Lamott is most definitely a powerful 'wisdom figures' of our current age (pun both intended and not) - feeling blessed to have her, and you, in my corner as wisdom figures <3

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Love this. Thank you, Simran! And I certainly

hope you walked on that tender ankle to at least one sweets cafe to find some sugar to help the medicine go down. 🍵🍧

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