I once heard from a fitness instructor that knowledge is not power. It is potential power because it's what we do with that knowledge that makes it transformative. I like the way you articulated this message. Also loved the point about nourishing our intellect and hearts. I would take it a step further and add "hearts and souls". I find my "heart" to be easily misled due to its fickle nature, whereas when I tap into my "soul", it feels more enduring. These are nuances in the overarching point though - stay connected with your core...whatever that means for you.
Beautiful! Prodded me to remember that Sikhism grew partly as response to the worst of textual Brahmanical forms of Hunduism and to the social hierarchy that would name learned scholar as a more valuable human than labouring peasant. What good if we read, read, read, but never learn? Hope the trip and the work go well!
A lovely and poetic reminder, with ecumenical application. Is not the transformation of the heart the goal of all holy texts?
i subscribed to you based on this comment jewel
(just so ya know) ☺️
I once heard from a fitness instructor that knowledge is not power. It is potential power because it's what we do with that knowledge that makes it transformative. I like the way you articulated this message. Also loved the point about nourishing our intellect and hearts. I would take it a step further and add "hearts and souls". I find my "heart" to be easily misled due to its fickle nature, whereas when I tap into my "soul", it feels more enduring. These are nuances in the overarching point though - stay connected with your core...whatever that means for you.
Thank you for this post: I've been pivoting towards education in my career, and know I will remember your wise words!
many a buddhist scholar has been reborn in hell
- traditional quote reminding us to practice
Beautiful! Prodded me to remember that Sikhism grew partly as response to the worst of textual Brahmanical forms of Hunduism and to the social hierarchy that would name learned scholar as a more valuable human than labouring peasant. What good if we read, read, read, but never learn? Hope the trip and the work go well!