Ah! So relatable! It’s hard to shake off the idea that we are what we do or that somehow we are less if we do less. As I was reading your post, I was laughing at myself a little bit. I will rarely admit it, but I still think my plans, you know the ones in my Outlook calendar that are color-coded based on priority, should be the immutable rule of law carved into stone tablets. And the universe laughs….

I’m learning how to laugh at myself too.

I had the absolute delight to meet you at Southern Lights. Grateful to have found you here.

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ha, yes! i like that you're laughing at yourself. i'm laughing at myself too. it's a nice way to observe our own absurdity as humans!

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When you consider

all of the things

that have to occur

at the same time

in order

to make a snowflake,

it can help

to ease the tension

of an upturned schedule.

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I love this. Where is it from?

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I wrote it this morning after reading your post. Loved the book, btw.

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So glad your insight comes to my inbox everyday! Hearing your stories at Southern Lights had me realizing how much I need a regular dose of the light you share Simran!!

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that is so so meaningful. thank you!

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Thank you for this. I tend to feel disappointed by all the things I planned to do but didn't in those rare islands of time when I have the house to myself, so I had to smile at your "bachelor in New York" experience.

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i love that it resonates. sometimes i wonder if it's just me!

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I find myself nodding in recognition (or rather, in being seen) when I read your posts. I think you can be assured it's not just you!

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Signing up as a subscriber to your writing has been one of the best things I have done for myself. Thank you so much for putting in to words what has been in my head. 🤗

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This is such a kind note. Thank you for saying that, Angie :)

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